Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Natural Intelligence?

My pulse will be quickenin'
With each drop of strychnine
We feed to a pigeon
It just takes a smidgin
To poison a pigeon in the park

Tom Lehrer, Poisoning Pigeons in the Park | video

I’ll be reviewing the H2024 study (Occurrence of “Natural Selection in Successful Small Molecule Drug Discovery) in this post. Derek has already posted on the H2024 study which has been included in the BL2024 Virtual Special Issue on natural products (NPs) in medicinal chemistry. I'll also mention reviews here at Molecular Design of the the related studies (4) (see post) and (24) (see post). As is usual for Molecular Design reviews of literature I have used the same reference numbers that were used in H2024 and quoted text is indented with any comments by me in square brackets and italicised in red. Given the serious concerns I have about H2024 this is going to be a long post and there are a couple of disclaimers that I need to make before starting the review:

  1. I regard identification and biological characterisation of NPs as vital scientific activities that should be generously funded and Derek puts it very well in his recent post ("When you see specific and complex small molecules that living creatures are going to the metabolic trouble to prepare, there are surely survival-linked functions behind them."). In particular, I see it as important that NPs be screened in diverse phenotypic assays and here’s a link to the Chemical Probes Portal. While my criticisms of H2024 are certainly serious it would be grossly inaccurate to take these criticisms as indicative of an anti-NP position.
  2. Automation of workflows (N2017) and generation of datasets from databases such as ChEMBL are far from trivial and (33), which highlights some of the challenges faced by researchers in this area, was the subject of a recent post at Molecular Design. I consider method development in this area to be an important cheminformatic activity that should be adequately supported. It must also be stressed that the design, building and updating of databases such as ChEMBL (G2012 | B2014 | P2015 | G2017 | 23) are vital scientific activities that should be generously funded (had it not been of the vision and foresight of the creators of the PDB over half a century ago it is improbable that the 2024 Chemistry Nobel Prize would have been awarded for “computational protein design” and “protein structure prediction”). While my criticisms of H2024 are certainly serious it would be grossly inaccurate to take these as criticisms of the automated dataset generation described in the study (and recently published in H2024b) or of the contributions by a number of individuals that have made ChEMBL an invaluable resource for drug discovery scientists and chemical biologists.

Hampi, November 2013

Having made the disclaimers, I’ll open my review of H2024 with some general observations. First, I do not consider that H2024 presents any insights of practical value to medicinal chemists nor do I consider the analyses presented in the study to support the assertion that “there is untapped potential awaiting exploitation, by applying nature’s building blocks─’natural intelligence’─to drug design” (in my view the use of the term “natural intelligence” does rather endow the study with what I’ll politely refer to as a distinctly pastoral odour). Second, the results of the analyses presented in H2024 do not demonstrate any tangible benefits from the drug design perspective of incorporating structural features that have been anointed as 'natural' by the authors (my view is that it would be extremely difficult to design data analyses to address the relevant questions in an objective manner). Third, the authors of H2024 present a ‘scaffold-centric’ view of NPs in which the naturalness of NPs is due to cyclic substructures present within their chemical (2D) structures (it is almost as if these 'natural' substructures are considered to be infused with 'vital force') and I would question whether this is a realistic view from the molecular recognition and physicochemical perspectives.  Fourth, the meaning of what the authors of H2024 are calling 'enrichment' of pseudo-NPs (PNPs) in clinical compounds is unclear and, in any case, the 'enrichment' values do seem rather low (never more than twofold) when you consider the numbers of compounds that successful discovery project teams typically have to synthesize in order to deliver a drug that gets to market.

It's not clear (at least to me) what the authors of H2024 mean by ‘natural selection’ and at times their view of natural selection appears to be closer to Lysenkoism than Darwinism. For example, they assert in the conclusions section of H2024 that “NP structural motifs are provided predesigned by nature, constructed for biological purposes as a result of 4 billion years of evolution.” Design actually has no place in natural selection and perhaps the authors are thinking of 'Intelligent Design' which is a doctrine with many adherents in the Creationist community.  While I don’t dispute that the chemical structures of many clinical compounds contain substructures that are also found in the chemical structures of NPs, I think that it would be extremely difficult to objectively compare different explanations for the observations (it's worth remembering that correlation does not imply causation). The explanation favoured by the authors of H2024 is that compounds assembled from Nature’s building blocks are ‘better’ and a stated aim of the study is “to seek further support for the existence of ‘natural selection’ in drug discovery” (this video will give readers an idea of what the late great Dave Allen might have made of this). In my view the data analyses presented in H2024 are not actually based on statistics and are therefore unfit for the purpose of testing hypotheses. Put another way, if you're going to use data analysis to look for something then it would be a good idea to use methods capable of telling you that you that haven't found what you were looking for.    
The data analyses in H2024 are largely based on quantities (PNP_Status | Frag_coverage_Murcko | NP-likeness) that are calculated from the chemical (2D) structures of compounds.  However, the authors do not state which software was used to perform the calculations and, had I been a reviewer, I would have drawn their attention to the following directive in the Data Requirements section in the J Med Chem Author Guidelines (accessed 27-Dec-2024):

9. Software. Software used as a part of computer-aided drug design should be readily available from reliable sources, and the authors should specify where the software can be obtained.

As was the case for my review of (24) I see much of the analysis in H2024 as relatively harmless “stamp collecting” (in contrast, as discussed in KM2013, I consider presentations and analyses of data that exaggerate trend strength, such as those used in the HMO2006LS2007, LBH2009, HY2010 and TY2020 studies to be anything but harmless). The analyses that I’ll be examining in this post are of comparisons between clinical compounds and reference compounds although I'll comment in general terms on the analyses of time-dependencies of characteristics of clinical compounds. My general criticism of H2024 is not that the analyses presented by its authors are necessarily invalid but that they fail to provide any useful insight and I’ll share an insightful observation by Manfred Eigen (1927-2019):

A theory has only the alternative of being right or wrong. A model has a third possibility: it may be right, but irrelevant.

I first encountered analyses of time-dependencies of drug properties about two decades ago and rapidly came to the conclusion that some senior medicinal chemists where I worked had a bit too much time on their hands.  The fundamental flaw in the interpretation of these analyses is that time-dependencies of the properties of drugs and other clinical compounds are presented as causes rather than effects and it has never been clear how medicinal chemists working on drug discovery projects in the real world should use the results from such analyses. The authors claim that “changes to drug properties over time are significant” and I would challenge them to present even a single example of such analysis being used to meaningfully inform decision-making in a drug discovery project. It must be stressed that my criticism of analyses of time-dependency of the properties of drugs and other clinical compounds is simply that they don't provide useful insights and not that the analyses are necessarily invalid. That said, I do have general concerns about how time-dependencies are compared when some of the properties are expressed as logarithms and some are not. As reviewer I would have recommended that the vertical axis of the plot in the graphical abstract be drawn from 0% to 100% rather than from 30% to ~67%.

As is the case for analyses of time-dependency, my criticism of analyses of the differences between clinical compounds and reference compounds is that they don’t provide useful insight and there is no suggestion that the analyses are necessarily invalid. Before looking at the analyses presented in H2024 I’ll quote from the abstract of (24) because this will give you an idea of what I mean by analyses not providing useful insight:

Drugs are differentiated from target comparators by higher potency, ligand efficiency (LE), lipophilic ligand efficiency (LLE), and lower carboaromaticity.

As I noted in this post (this focused principally on the invalidity of the LE metric as discussed in NoLE) reporting that an analysis has shown drugs to be differentiated by potency from target comparators does seem to be stating the obvious and, given how LE and LLE are defined, it is perhaps not the most penetrating of insights to observe that values of these efficiency metrics tend to be greater for drugs than for comparator compounds. While the observation of lower carboaromaticity of drugs relative to comparator compounds is non-obvious, it does not constitute information that can be used for medicinal chemistry decision-making in specific discovery projects (as we noted in KM2013 carboaromaticity and lipophilicity can both be reduced simply by replacing a benzene ring with benzoquinone).

Let’s take a look at how this type of analysis is used in H2024. The authors of H2024 note that “comparing Figure 3a,b shows a clear ‘enrichment’ of PNPs in clinical compounds versus reference compounds in the post-2008 period” and two of these authors, writing in (17), assert that “PNPs have increasingly been explored in recent drug discovery programs, and are strongly enriched in clinical compounds”.  What the authors of H2024 are calling 'enrichment' is rather different to the enrichment in structural features that results from high-throughput screening (HTS) and it’s important to understand the difference. Let’s suppose that we’ve screened a library of compounds of which 1% are pyrimidines and 1% are pyrazines and we find that 10% of the hits are pyrimidines and 0.1% are pyrazines (to simplify things you can assume there is no compound in the library with a pyrimidine and a pyrazine in its chemical structure). In this case we would conclude that the process of screening has resulted in a tenfold enrichment for pyrimidines and a tenfold impoverishment for pyrazines. Now let's create a 'selected azines' category by combining the pyrimidines and pyrazines which as a structural class comprise 2% of the screening library compounds but 10.1% of the hits. What I'm getting at here is that enrichment of an more inclusive structural class such as 'selected azines' (or PNPs) does not imply that each and every one of the structural classes covered by the inclusive structural class definition will also be enriched.

Now let’s take a look at how the 'enrichment' of PNPs in clinical compounds is assessed in H2024. First, a set of reference compounds is generated for each clinical compound (this is discussed in detail in H2024b) and the sets of reference compounds are combined. 'Enrichment' is then assessed by comparing the fraction of clinical compounds that are PNPs with the fraction of compounds in the combined reference sets that are PNPs. When we assess enrichment of chemotypes in HTS the hits are all selected (by the screening process) from the same reference pool of compounds. In contrast, each clinical compound in the H2024 analysis is associated with a different reference set of compounds (from the perspective of data analysis combining reference sets defined in this manner gratuitously throws information away). As a reviewer I would have pressed the authors to enlighten readers as to how they should interpret the proportions of PNPs in the reference sets for individual compounds.

It's worth thinking about what the reference compound set might look like for a clinical compound that is a PNP. The proportion of PNPs in the reference set will generally be influenced by factors such as availability of data, the ‘rarity’ of the structural features of the drug and the ‘tightness’ of the structure-activity relationship (SAR).  A more permissive definition of ‘activity’ would generally be expected to make SAR appear to be less ‘tight’ (or ‘looser’ if you prefer). Compounds were defined as ‘active’ for the analysis on the basis of a recorded pChEMBL value against one of the clinical compound’s targets (as a reviewer I’d have suggested that the authors define the term ‘pChEMBL’) which means that a compound might have been selected for inclusion in a reference set on the basis of an IC50 value of 100 μM.

Let’s define 'enrichment' by dividing the fraction of the clinical compounds that are PNPs by the fraction of reference compounds that are PNPs. When we select a reference set for a clinical compound that is a PNP then it’s extremely unlikely that every single compound in the reference set will also be a PNP (especially if we’re accepting compounds with IC50 values 100 μM as ‘active’) and it’s even less likely that every single compound in the combined reference sets will be a PNP. This means that we should generally expect the clinical compounds that are PNPs to be ‘enriched’ in PNPs when compared with their combined reference sets. We can apply exactly the same logic to conclude that we should expect that the combined reference sets for the clinical compounds that are not PNPs  (under this scenario we would conclude that the set of clinical compounds that are not PNPs are infinitely impoverished in PNPs when compared with their combined reference sets). This means that we should expect that the 'enrichment' of PNPs in the clinical compound set in comparison with their combined reference sets will increase with the fraction of clinical compounds that are PNPs.

Let’s take another look at the plot in the graphical abstract which shows the fractions of clinical compounds and reference compounds that are PNPs as a function of time. Notice how the lines tend to be furthest apart when the fraction of clinical compounds that are PNPs is relatively high. As a reviewer, I would have required that the authors examine the correlation between the logarithm of the fraction of clinical compounds and the logarithm of the enrichment (a relatively strong correlation would indicate that the information added by the combined reference sets is minimal). The 'enrichments' calculated from the plot in the graphical abstract are underwhelming (the highest degree of enrichment is the 2014 value of just over 1.5-fold and this value seems very low when you consider the numbers of compounds that successful discovery project teams typically need to synthesize in order to get drugs approved).  From 2011 the fraction of clinical compounds that are PNPs exceeds 50% but I wouldn't consider it accurate to use the term "strongly enriched" (17) because the fraction of reference compounds that are PNPs is 40% or greater for this time period (plotting the vertical axis in the graphical abstract from 30% to ~67%  creates the illusion that the 'enrichment' is greater than it actually is).

I do have a number of other gripes about the data analysis in H2024 but I do also need to take a look at PNPs and the following assertion by the authors is an appropriate point at which to start this discussion:

The PNP concept has been validated by its appearance in the literature (16,17) and by the design of several new classes of biologically active compounds. (18,19) [As a reviewer I would have pressed the authors to clearly articulate the “PNP concept” (just as I would have pressed the authors of this Editorial to clearly articulate the new principles that their nominees for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine had introduced).  My view is that it is verging on megalomania to claim that a concept “has been validated by its appearance in the literature” and I don’t consider (18) to support the claim for “design of several new classes of biologically active compounds”. To support such a claim, one would ideally need to demonstrate that screening of libraries of compounds designed as PNPs resulted in the discovery of viable lead series against a range of therapeutic targets. At absolute minimum, one would need to show that libraries of compounds designed as PNPs exhibited exploitable activity across a range of target-related assays (although interesting, the results from the “cell painting assay” would not by themselves support a claim for “design of several new classes of biologically active compounds”). I should also mention that some in the compound quality field (see B2023 and my review of that article) interpret activity against multiple targets for a set of compounds based on a particular scaffold as evidence for pan-assay interference even when the individual compounds don’t themselves exhibit frequent-hitter behaviour. I don't have access to (19) and am therefore unable to assess the degree to which that article supports the authors claim for “design of several new classes of biologically active compounds”.]

The PNP status of a compound is determined by how “NP library fragments” (these are cyclic substructures extracted from the chemical structures of compounds in an NP-focussed screening library that had been generated over a decade ago for fragment-based drug discovery) are combined in its chemical structure.
PNP_Status. Compounds were assigned to one of four categories according to their NP fragment combination graphs. (16,17) The NP library fragments used for this purpose are Murcko scaffolds (26) [It would be actually more appropriate to refer to these as ‘Bemis scaffolds’ in order to properly recognize the corresponding author of this article.] (the core structures containing all rings without substituents except for double bonds, n = 1673) derived (16) from a representative set of 2000 NP fragment clusters. (15) [I see this approach as unlikely to capture all the relevant cyclic substructures present in NPs.  My view is that it would have been better to first extract the relevant cyclic substructures from the chemical structures of all NPs for which this information is available, and then do the selection and filtering in one or more subsequent steps. The other advantage of doing things this way is that you’ll get a better assessment of the frequencies with which the different cyclic substructures occur in the chemical structures of NPs.]  Because of their ubiquitous appearances in NPs, the phenyl ring and glucose moieties were specifically excluded as fragments. (16) [I would expect exclusion of the benzene ring (I consider ‘benzene ring’ more correct than ‘phenyl ring’ in this context) as a fragment to result is a significant reduction in number of the number of compounds that are considered to be PNPs (and, by implication, the ‘enrichment’ associated with membership of the PNP class).  Even though the benzene ring has been excluded for the purpose of assigning PNP status it should still be considered to be one of Nature’s building blocks.]

As I mentioned earlier in the post, the view of NPs presented in H2024 is ‘scaffold-centric’ and I would question how realistic this view is given that non-scaffold atoms at the periphery of a molecular structure will generally be more exposed to targets (and anti-targets) than scaffold atoms at the core of the molecular structure. What I’m getting at here is that it is far from clear how much of a compound’s pharmacological activity can be attributed to the presence of individual substructural features in the chemical structure of the compound (modifying a point made in NoLE, I would argue that the contribution of a structural feature to the binding affinity of a compound is not actually an experimental observable). This is one reason that unless matched molecular pairs are available it would not generally be possible to demonstrate the superiority of one structural feature over another in an objective manner.

Something that you need to pay very close attention to when extracting substructures from chemical structures of compounds is the ‘environment’ of the substructure (I prefer to use the term ‘substructural context’). For example, two piperidine rings linked through nitrogen look very different from the perspective of a therapeutic target protein depending on whether the link is a carbonyl carbon or a tetrahedral carbon (most medicinal chemists will be aware that the protonation states differ but there are also subtle, although still significant, differences in the shape of the piperidine ring in the two substructures). You also need to be aware that fusing rings can have profound effects on physicochemical characteristics and I would consider it a bad idea to extract monocyclic substructures from fused or bicyclic ring systems.

There are some things that don't look quite right and I would have flagged these up if I’d been reviewing the manuscript. Let’s take a look at the first entry (Sotorasib) in Table 1 and you can see that the oxygen of the 2-pyrimidone substructure is coloured lilac indicating that this substructure can be found in the chemical structures of one or more NPs (I would still challenge the view that the result of fusing 2-pyrimidone with pyridine should be considered 'natural' on the basis that the heterocycles from which it is derived from are both found in chemical structures of NPs). Now take a look the second entry (Dolutegravir) in Table 1 and you'll notice that the oxygen in the 4-pyridone substructure is not coloured green. This implies that 4-pyridone does not occur in the chemical structure of any NP and, in the absence of  information, I can only assume that it has been anointed as 'natural' because of its structural analogy with pyridine (while there is a nitrogen atom and five trigonal carbon atoms in each substructure the molecular recognition characteristics of the two substructures differ far too much for them to be regarded as equivalent from the perspective of assigning PNP status). Six of the substructures in Figure 5 appear to be in unstable tautomeric forms (first, fifth, ninth, twelfth entries in line 2 | seventh entry in line 3 | first entry in line 5).   

I'll conclude my review of  H2024 by commenting on claims made by the authors:

This is further evidence that the three NP metrics can be considered as independent measures of clinical compound quality. [I would consider the claim that any of these “NP metrics” can be considered as a measure of“clinical compound quality” to be wildly extravagant (the authors haven't even stated how "clinical compound quality" is defined yet they claim to be able to measure it). I would argue that compound quality cannot be meaningfully compared for clinical compounds that have been developed for different diseases or disorders. Describing a compound as 'clinical' implies that a large body of measured data has actually been generated for it and the authors of H2024 might find it instructive to ask themselves why they think a simple metric calculated from the chemical structure of the compound would be of interest to a project team with access to this large of body of measured data One criticism that I make of drug discovery metrics is that they trivialize drug discovery and we noted in KM2013: “Given that drug discovery would appear to be anything but simple, the simplicity of a drug-likeness model could actually be taken as evidence for its irrelevance to drug discovery.” ]

The overall results are supportive of the occurrence of “natural selection” being associated with many successful drug discovery campaigns. [My view is that the authors of H2024 have not clearly articulated what they mean by“natural selection” in the context of this study.]  It has been proposed that NP-likeness assists drug distribution by membrane transporters, (21) [The author of (20c) asserts "Over the years, my colleagues and I have come to realise that the likelihood of pharmaceutical drugs being able to diffuse through whatever unhindered phospholipid bilayer may exist in intact biological membranes in vivo is vanishingly low" and, by implication, that entry of the vast majority of drugs into cells is transporter mediated. I keep an open mind on this issue although I note that what is touted by some as a universal phenomenon does seem to have been remarkably difficult to observe directly by experiment. The difficulties caused by active efflux are widely recognized by drug discovery scientists and it may be instructive for the authors of H2024 to consider how an experienced medicinal chemist working in the CNS area might view a suggestion that compounds should be made more like NPs to increase the likelihood of being transporter substrates.] and we further speculate that employing NP fragments may result in less attrition due to toxicity, a major cause of preclinical failure. (55[This does seem to be grasping at straws. The focus of the cited article is actually clinical failure and not preclinical failure.]

There is untapped potential for further exploitation of currently used and unused NP fragments, especially in fragment combinations and the design of PNPs, without the need to resort to chemically diverse ring systems and scaffolds. [This exemplifies what can be called the ‘Ro5 mentality’ (‘experts’ advising medicinal chemists to not explore but to focus on regions of chemical space that have been blessed by the ‘experts’). As I note in this blog post Ro5 (as it is stated) is not actually supported by data and in NoLE, I advise drug designers not to “automatically assume that conclusions drawn from analysis of large, structurally-diverse data sets are necessarily relevant to the specific drug design projects on which they are working.” An equally plausible 'explanation' for the observation that a high fraction of clinical compounds are PNPs is simply that medicinal chemists are working with what they're most familiar with (in this case the advice would be to look beyond Nature's building blocks for inspiration).] To exploit these opportunities, “NP awareness” needs to be added to the repertoire of medicinal chemists. [My view is that it would be more important for critical thinking to be added to the repertoire of medicinal chemists so they are better equipped to assess the extent to which conclusions and recommendations of studies like H2024 are actually supported by data.]

In short, applying nature’s building blocks─natural intelligence─to drug design can enhance the opportunities now offered by artificial intelligence. [In my view "natural intelligence" appears to be arm-waving that is neither natural nor intelligent.]  

This is a good point to wrap up and to also conclude blogging for the year. My new year wish is for a kinder, happier and more peaceful World in 2025 and I'll leave you with a photo of BB and Coco in the study here in Maraval. They had been helping me with this post before I unwisely decided to explain ligand efficiency to them. Let sleeping dogs lie I guess.


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